Marketing Kitchen's New OKI!
Brett Comes Through Again!
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Another Happy Customer
Steve from Stoney Creek Graphics purchased a Challenge Titan 230TC. This hydraulic powered, safe, productive and durable machine fits almost anyone's business needs! Enjoy Steve!
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Why Do You Need to Buy a Creaser or Scorer or Perfer?
When offset printing was the way of the world, the process of printing ink on the paper, the ink soaked right through the paper, therefore cracking was not an issue. In todays world of digitally printed paper, the toner is only printed on the surface therefore when you go to score or crease, it breaks this layer and ruins your final product, as you can see the white inside of the stock. Creasing will incorporate two parallel folds on both sides of the stock, so when the stock is folded the stress is handled by two different points on the stock, therefore there will be no cracking.
For most of your folding needs, you unquestionably need a Creasing Unit. Because as an astute business owner, you realize you have to present the client with the most professional final product possible!
At PDS, we carry the Multigraf Touchline group of Creasing, Folding and Perfing equipment as well as the Duplo line up!Call today to let us help you make a informed decision on what is right for your Business!
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3 Must Have's for Creasing/Perfing/Folding
With companies more pushed than ever to deliver quality printed work, lets look at some of the latest finishing technologies and how they can help your firm pull ahead of the pack; post-press processes are what make print sellable and a mistake in this area is very costly in both time and money so equipment, quality and reliability are vital.
A very important factor for all companies is automation because it improves the quality of results, reduces machine downtime, reduces manning, and can enable less skilled staff to run equipment at the same output levels as their more productive colleagues. When recalling the same job time after time it is now far easier to benchmark certain jobs and repeat that output.
Just as important as the printing operation is Post Presssome would argue even more important. A beautifully printed job can be completely ruined by inept finishing; just a perf or fold that is out by a few millimetres can spoil a perfect piece of print.
Touchline CF375
is the ideal paper folding machine for creasing and folding solutions for the high volume printer. It is robust, fully functional in one integrated creasing and letter folding unit. By simply pressing a button the CF375 can consistently fold and crease up to 6000 sheets an hour, regardless of the number of folds and creases. High-speed creaser and letter folder for high volume jobs makes this a winner and ideal for the high volume printers.
The Creaser/Folder Eurofold Touchline CF375 handles paper stock up to 400 gsm, creases and folds the products, all in one single pass. plus it delivers various finishing devices including other Duplo and Multigraf equipment. The TOUCHLINE generation offers greater flexibility and automation than any other letter folding machine in its class.
Paper feeder system with vacuum belt pile feeder and top feeding
Capable of folding multiple types of documents
This new age technology allows for high speed accurate folding and creasing
Touchline CP375 Mono
is a creasing, folding and perforating machine that will improve your productivity, your finishing quality and your application capability. Highly efficient and automated, it allows users to perforate, crease and fold all in a single pass, with set up finished in seconds. Vouchers, coupons and tickets are among the many applications it makes possible.
Touchline CP375 DUO
offers an efficient creasing and perforating solution ideal for mid to high volume runs. The main difference between the Mono and the Duo;
Duo: allows for 3 operations at one time; stop perforation in both directions plus crease.
Mono: Allows for 2 operations at one time; stop perforation in both directions or crease and perf
Equipped with two creasing tools (male/ female) and a cross perforating tool, the CP375 DUO performs up to 20 creases and 20 perforations simultaneously in a single run. An optional strike perforating tool can be added for increased versatility.
The innovative creasing and perforating system features an interchangeable toolbar system with two slots where users can easily mix and match the tools to create a multitude of applications. The creasing and perforating tools may be used in either slot which are electronically detected and the relevant pressure is automatically adjusted. The male and female creasing tools can be combined to perform up and down creasing, perfect for finishing covers for perfect bound books. The cross perforating tool and the optional strike perforating tool can also be combined to perform cross perforations.
Features- Up to 6,000 sheets per hour
- Male and female creasing tools
- Cross perforating tool
- Side guide system
- Double feed detection
- Optional strike perforating tool
In Conclusion: The TOUCHLINE generation offers greater flexibility and automation than any other letter folding/perfing/creasing machine in its class
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