ThermoFusing is a process that "post-fuses" sheets that have been printed with toner.
It creates a high gloss finish over toner image areas similar to spot UV. ThermoFusing also improves toner adhesion and durability.
THERM-O-TYPE foil fusing equipment uses coated and un-coated fusing film to ThermoFuse toner image areas on suitable paper and plastic substrates
Freedom Foil Process
Foil Fusing Equipment can be used to apply foil text and graphics over a background image, printed with toner, using the "Freedom Foil Process".
Using this process, the background image is printed, then the sheet is laminated with a special laminating film. Laminated sheets are run back through a printer to apply toner on top of the laminate. After being over-printed, the sheets are run through the Automatic Foil-Tech where foil is fused to the over-printed toner image areas.
The Automatic Foil-Tech can be used to apply single or two-sided thermal laminating films